Rosie Fellner in THE REQUIEM BOOGIE (dir. Jordan Walker-Pearlman)
Rosie is an IRISH and ENGLISH born ACTRESS and PRODUCER. Her acting highlights include THE TRIP TO ITALY alongside Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, FACE OF AN ANGEL with Cara Delevingne and Kate Beckinsale, TWO JACKS with Sienna Miller and Jack Huston, RANSOM and CURFEW.
Rosie can currently be seen in Bernard Rose’s film, TRAVELING LIGHT alongside Danny Huston and Stephen Dorff and the National Geographic, Disney and limited series A SMALL LIGHT.
born 1978 eyes GREEN hair BLOND height 163cm languages ENGLISH, SPANISH passports IRISH (EU) & US green card residence LONDON
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Rosie Fellner TRAVELING LIGHT (dir. Bernard Rose)
For booking and availability requests regarding ROSIE FELLNER please CONTACT THE OFFICE directly.